A Simpler Solution for critical hires

Leadership Solutions

Our strategies, services and resources ensure you identify, hire, retain and develop great leaders!
Leadership 1 Solution


To successfully execute your business strategy, you need to have the right people in the right place at the right time. Unfortunately, great employees don’t just walk through your front doors; they’re strategically hired and carefully developed. We work with organizations like yours on all aspects of talent selection and development. Our methodology centers around deploying research-based tools to help you select and advance the best and brightest employees so your business can outsmart and outperform your competition

  • Designing an Integrated Assessment Strategy
  • Leadership 360 Assessments
  • Assessments for Selection and Development
  • Culture
  • Physician Leadership Assessment Center
  • Attorney Leadership Assessment Center
  • Founder Leadership Assessment Center
  • PE owned Leadership Assessment Center
  • Emotional Intelligence


Our team places a particular focus on the coach and coachee relationship because it needs to be based on chemistry, fit, and trust. This ultimately helps ensure that we’re helping leaders and organizations achieve their desired coaching outcomes.We actively pursue a diverse group of coaches that are carefully selected for our team and each engagement. The rigorous training and experience they have allow us to deliver a balance of business and industry expertise, passion, and coaching effectiveness.

Our approach to coaching is founded in the International Coaching Federation’s (ICF) core principles. Our coaching model seeks to align individual performance to the needs of the organization. This enables us to be flexible and allows for scalability to meet the needs of your organization and employees at any level, anywhere in the world.


Did you know 86% of CEOs stated that company culture is crucial for businesses seeking sustainable outcomes? Transforming workforce culture begins with objectives linked to your business strategy, which requires a story written to help your leaders and team members succeed in the workplace.We take a unique approach to culture shaping designed to create purposeful behaviors that drive business outcomes, including:

  • Inspiring your leaders to align with systems and processes
  • Anchor behaviors within the organization to establish a sense of purpose within your organization
  • Shape mindsets to create organizational agility allowing employees to meet the challenge of an evolving marketplace

This philosophy can span an entire organization or focus on one sector of your business seeking clarity in their culture. Whatever it may be,  we are here to lead the way in your transformation.


Our experience partnering with organizations to link cultural and leadership behaviors led us to two clear conclusions:

  • Products and processes don’t make great organizations. Agile leaders do.
  • Agile leaders possess a set of core leadership capabilities, regardless of their position within their organization.

Focusing on the successful development of strong, agile leaders at all levels of your organization positions them well to help the organization succeed and attract, develop, and retain talent along the way.

Succession Planning

From founders planning on next generation legacy to large corporations planning for future leadership on a global scale. Our significant experience with creating and reviewing risk and opportunities to set a clear path to success is here to help.



Research shows that companies with highly effective talent management strategies, on average, achieve 26% higher revenue per employee and 41% lower turnover among high-performing employees. With today’s global business environment coupled with the challenge of a rapidly evolving workforce, a purpose-based, business-aligned approach to talent management is required. Let us help you set goals and meet the requirement in a sustainable way for your business model.


We take a unique approach to training and create training program based on the needs of our clients, including:

  • Sales
  • Empathy
  • Conflict resolution
  • Virtual interactive training (New) replacement for role playing
  • Inclusiveness
We encourage you to reach out to improve your company value, position and success.