A Simpler Solution for critical hires

A Simpler Solution for Critical Hires.

Solutions 1 Solution


Cooperation, NOT Competition.  This is an ideal solution for clients that have multiple searches and need a better solution to ensure objectives are met. We embed with your organization and take over all or specific searches and utilize our expertise, resources and strategies on your behalf to bring better, more aligned, qualified and interested candidates faster.

Our approach has improved our client’s success rate to over 92% versus the industry average of less than 28%.


Talent Select

This program was created for clients that have a critical search within their organization that requires the right person.

When good enough isn’t good enough!

We partner with you to ensure alignment and utilize our expertise, resources and strategies on your behalf to bring better, more aligned, qualified and interested candidates faster.

From identification to selection and onboarding to coaching. All inclusive search for critical hires.

Project Vision

“Project Vision” is an ethical approach to gathering and valuing competitive and actionable intelligence from the source.”What do you want to learn?”

There are very few opportunities to acquire true competitive and actionable intelligence.

Our process includes full competitor overview and information (direct/vertical/tertiary)

Experts on Demand- Consultants

“Our Experts are your Expertise”:Our 25,000+ industry experts have an average of 28 years experience in their respective industries and ready to solve your problem or provide expertise on demand.

Your singular event is a common issue that our industry experts have seen and solved hundreds of times! From project, competition, growth opportunities, turn around, financial engineering, global expansion, sourcing. It’s in there…


Future CEO

Future CEO Program offers key industry leaders the financial backing, resources and strategies where we identify, engage and acquire a company in which you would become the CEO with ownership in the company.We have successfully placed industry leaders for CEO succession plans, turnarounds and newly acquired acquisitions and will lead the identification and research of potential targets in your industry and location preference.

Leadership Solutions

Our comprehensive solutions employ multiple methods to evaluate an individual’s ability to perform, fit and make an enduring impact in a critical leadership role while also decreasing uncertainty and risk involved when adding senior leaders through hiring, promotion and succession planning. We offer an objective perspective for key talent management processes, including:

  • Assessment
  • Coaching
  • Culture
  • Development
  • Succession Planning
  • Talent
  • Training


Candidate Validation

ACS Global, Inc. provides a hybrid service for client’s that do not need full search services and have internal or externally identified candidates. We provide an unbiased approach that includes full leadership profiling, interviewing and validation of each candidate. Scorecards, notes and candidate risk, ranking + training, development recommendations for each. ACS Global process can also include resourcing potential ACS Global candidates for comparison purposes to ensure “your best candidate” is the “the best candidate”.


Talent Solutions Developed with You, For You.

Your need is unique to you. ACS is more than just a cutting edge, talent solutions firm. We offer a unique collaborative relationship where we work to meet your overall objectives through the use of creative offerings under our Talent Solutions. Key leaders from our organization work directly with you to discover a path to a successful solution.Our approach has improved our client’s success rate to over 92% versus the industry average of less than 28%

Trusted Advisors

A talent strategy is the means by which it sets out to achieve its desired ends.


The right Leadership is critical to meeting company objectives and ensuring employees want to work for you.

Reduce Hiring Time

Our structured approach ensures you get better, more aligned, engaged candidates faster.

Proven 5x Better

Our approach and strategy is proven 5x better across all measured metrics.

 93% success

Our process and strategy has lead to an industry leading success for our clients.

Full Disclosure

Our business processes are all full disclosure from competitor directories, all contacts, notes and all gathered information.

Positioning to win

Our strategy synergizes with your objective, whatever that might be. We are able to provide significantly more value than just Talent.


Position your company to win. The more you know, the better off you are!

We encourage you to reach out to improve your company value, position and success.